Let's test your AR space (experience) with the Fectar app.
In Fectar Studio, go to the 'Share.' tab.
To view your Space in the Free Fectar app, you can use your 'Space code' or 'QR Code'. Both you can find on the right side in the 'Share settings' tab of your AR space. Make sure you've set your space's Visibility to 'Unlisted' or 'Public' to receive a Space code or QR code, as you cannot share a private space.
If you haven't installed the Fectar app yet, you can download it free from the Apple App Store or Android in Google Play.
Launch the app and navigate to the 'Search/Discover' page.
On the 'Search/Discover' page of the Fectar app, tap once the 'Fectar code' button.
Now enter the Fectar code.
After you enter the code or scan QR, you will land on the detail page of your AR Space. This page will probably be empty unless you fill in the field on the 'Description' tab in Fectar Studio.
Use the 'START' button to place and test your AR content.
TIP: Use the Spatial Editor
You can try the Spatial Editor to move, rotate, and resize content in your Space. More info about the Spatial Editor is here. Use the same account as Fectar Studio to log in to the Fectar App. Go to My Spaces, select your Space.
Click on the pencil and get to work!
And this is how the Spatial Editor works: