In the 'Share' tab of your Space, you can find a link on the left side of the menu under the 'Space sharing' section. The last five letters in the link is the Short code or Fectar Code.
What is a Short Code or Fectar Code?
Where can I find the Short Code?
What can I do with the Short Code?
What is a Short Code or Fectar Code?
A Short Code or Fectar Code is a unique combination of 5 letters. Each Space gets a unique code automatically when you create a Space. It is an easy way to share your Space with others.
Where can I find the Short Code?
Go to the 'Share' tab:
On the right side of the menu under the 'Space sharing' section is a link (make sure your space's Visibility is set to 'Unlisted' or 'Public' as you cannot share a private space). The last five letters in the link is the Short code (also known as the Fectar Code).
What can I do with the Short Code?
Open the Fectar app and click on the 'Search' icon on the bottom of your smartphone.
Now the Search screen is available. There you can click on 'Fectar Code' and enter the unique code to go to the related Space.
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