Scan an image, book, business card, and more to view 3D content
To start a Space with an Image Tracker, the viewer needs to point the camera of his device towards an image. This image can be on a display, on a business card, on the cover of a a book, an add in the street, a sticker on the floor, everything, everywhere.
Example of an anchor on a flyer
Example of an anchor on an object
1. Let's get started:
2. Select an Image or use Universal Anchor
3. Placing the anchor
4. Scale your Space to the Anchor
5. Use with Anchor and Move with Anchor
6. Demo Interactive Business Card
7. Download Anchor Point
Example of an anchor on a flyer
Example of an anchor on an object
Why do we call it an anchor?
Because when you scan an image, it works as an anchor for the Space. The content of your Space is calibrated to that exact position.
1. Let's get started:
Click on 'Add Content' en click on 'Other'.
In the next menu, go to 'Interaction' and select 'Anchor'.
Now you have added the Anchor spot to your Space.
2. Select an Image or use Universal Anchor
You can select an Image to use for Image tracking.
Important: Always test your image both on an Android device and on an Apple device.
We have noticed that the two operating systems require different types of images to make image tracking work. Or you can use the Universal Anchor, which is tested for both platforms. You can download the pdf-file of the universal anchor point here: Download Universal Anchor Point.
Important: Make sure that you set the right width and height of the image. Otherwise the dimensions of your space can change.
3. Placing the anchor
Now it is time to place the anchor in you space. You can choose to place the anchor on the floor of you space, or on a wall.
Set the orientation of the anchor
You can set the anchor for the Floor or for the Wall. This is important for the orientation of the space to the anchor.
In the example of the anchor on a flyer, the orientation is set to the floor. In the example of the anchor on an onbject, the orientation is set to the wall.
You can move the spot in your Space for the exact position. This is very important when you choose to place the acnhor on a wall. Make sure you place the anchor at the right position in the Space that is exactly the same position of the anchor in reality.
Tip for using a wall anchor: you can add 3D content to a room or a large object. This is an amazing feature to use in a museum or in a clasroom. You can also use this feature to add more information to a showroom or a booth at an event.
4. Scale your Space to the Anchor
You can create an entire space using 3D models in actual size. But you can scale the entire Space to resize it to fit onto a flyer or something else. This makes it easier to create an entire scene. See the demo of the business card at the bottom of this tutorial. The scene with a holopresenter was downsized by 80% to fit on a business card.
5. Use with Anchor and Move with Anchor
Space can only used with Anchor
This means that in order to start the space, you need to scan an image first. This way you can link your space to printed material, such as books and ads. Viewers can only open the Space if they have the image available.
Space moves with anchor
With this option you can view the space fixed to the anchor. In the demo videos you can see how you can move the image and the Space remains fixed to the image. When the image is no longer visible by the camera of your smartphone, the space remains at the same postion. Point the camera to the image, and the Space will again be fixed to the image.
6. Demo Interactive Business Card
Here is a demo with a Business Card and a Holopresenter.
You can use a template in Fectar Studio to create your own interactive business card.
Here is the tutorial for creating an interactive business card with a vertical Space.
Here is the tutorial for creating an interactive business card with a horizontal Space.
7. Download Anchor Point
You can download the pdf-file of the universal anchor point here: Download Universal Anchor Point