Adding a .obj 3D model file to your Fectar Space can be done in five simple steps.
Adding an OBJ File in Fectar Studio
Step 1: Click "New spot" and Select "OBJ" under 3D Models.
Step 2: Under the 3D Model property section, Enter the height of the model in centimetres.
Step 3: Upload the .obj file and its texture to the File Manager. (Currently, Fectar Studio only supports one texture file for .obj models)
Step 4: Then, click "Choose your .OBJ". Select the .obj file from the File Manager and click "Select".
Step 5: Now, click "Choose your Texture". Select the texture file for the .obj file from the File Manager and click "Select".
This is how you add an OBJ File in Fectar Studio. Now you can click "Preview" to preview your space.