In some time, you will have a lot of images, videos, 3D models, and more in your File Manager. To help you structure your files, you can use Folders.
To add a Fo,lder make sure you have the File Manager open en click on My F.iles
Add Folders
Tip: You can also add Folders in another Folder. The workflow is the same. Only select an existing Folder instead of My Files.
When the Folder My Files is selected, tree dots will become visible. Click on the tree dots, and a Menu will open.
Now there are three options. New Folder, Cut, and Delete. To add a new Folder, Click on + New Folder.
A new window appears. You need to give the Folder a name. Maybe like "My First Folder." When you are ready, click on the Orange OK button. And your Folder is created.
Rename, Cut, and Delete a Folder
To Rename, cut, or delete a Folder, you must select the Folder you want to edit and click the Right Mouse button. Or click on the three dots visible when you hover over a Folder.
+ New Folder
A new folder will be created inside the selected Folder.
Rename a Folder
Click Rename to give your Folder a different name
Cut and Paste a Folder
Click on Cut to Copy a folder. Then, when you go to a different folder and click your Right Mouse Button, you will have the option to Past.
Delete a Folder
When you click Delete, your Folder will be deleted from the file manager.
Note: you can only delete a Folder if there is no content stored in the Folder.