Where do I find my Space's Share URL, Space Code, and QR Code?
Go to Fectar Studio, open the Space of which you want to know the share information, and click on the Share tab.
The Space Sharing options are now available.
Share URL, Space Code, and QR Code explained.
Tip: Each space has a unique Sharelink, 5-letter code, and QR Code. This code will never change!
1. This is the share link for your Space.
You can share this link any way you want. For example, share via a chat message, social media post, or email.
2. This is the unique five-letter Code of your Space.
When you want to find your Space in one of the Fectar apps, you can fill in this Code in the search bar. This way, the Fectar app will discover your Space.
3. This is the QR code of your Space
This QR code is generated from the share link, and when scanned with a smartphone, the Fectar app will open your Space directly. This is perfect for flyers, business cards, welcome messages, banners, and more!
Tip: You can generate your own QR codes! But make sure you don't use dynamic linking because this will not work with the Fectar Platform.