Welcome to the Spatial Engine
AI Integration with AI Avatars
- Introduction to Setting Up an AI Avatar in Fectar Studio
- "Enable an AI Avatar to Explain on Tap" snippet
- "Enable an AI Avatar to Speak and Explain on Tap" snippet
- How to Add an AI Virtual Assistant to Your Space: Video Tutorial [6:48]
- 10 Example Prompts for AI Virtual Assistent in XR for Education and Business
- Writing Effective Prompts for AI Avatars
Fectar Snippets
- Introduction Fectar Snippets: from Low-Code to Code
- How to Use Fectar Snippets
- Where can I find Snippets?
- Why Use Fectar Snippets?
- "Resize Spot When the Space Starts" snippet
- "Move Spot on Tap" snippet