What is the maximum floor size of a space?
What is the maximum floor size of a space? I'm interested in creating an immersive virtual experience using Fectar, but I need to figure out how large my space can be. Is there a limit to the size of the floor in Fectar, and if so, what is it? I want to ensure I'm designing my experience within the appropriate parameters.
Thanks in advance!
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Hi Daniel!
Thank you for being such an active member of our forum!
When creating a virtual experience in Fectar, the size of the floor is particularly important if you intend to use it for AR. The ideal active floor size for AR is around 3 by 3 meters, meaning the size where your user can physically walk around.
It's important to remember that you should stay within your active floor size of 5 meters by 5 meters. This is because larger spaces may require more computing power and be more demanding on your device, leading to a less enjoyable user experience. Additionally, a larger floor size may make it difficult for users to navigate comfortably, leading to disorientation and a less immersive experience.
When designing your virtual Space, it's also essential to consider the level of detail and complexity. Adding too many objects or high-resolution textures can impact the performance of the Space, particularly on older or less powerful devices.
I hope this helps!
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